Joyful Babies Summer Picnic – 10 August 2013

Joyful BabiesBaby Yoga, Perinatal Yoga, Toddler Yoga

9.30am – 12.00noon


Well Summer has well and truly arrived, and to celebrate, we’re going to hold a Joyful Babies picnic. It’s a chance for you to catch up with everyone you used to (or still do) do classes with and of course do a little baby and toddler yoga under the sun!

It’d be lovely to see how your little ones have grown and greet any new arrivals. Please feel free to bring friends and family along too. There’ll be a couple of short baby and toddler yoga sessions for anyone who fancies it.

Cake and biscuits will be available for sale. Please bring your own drinks.

Please RSVP if you can so we have an idea of numbers. See you there!

Vinery Park is between Ross Street and Vinery Road. Free parking available on Ross Street.